2,485 research outputs found

    Awareness of the risk factors for sexual health amongst adolescents

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    According to WHO, sexual health is a condition of physical, emotional, mental and social wellbeing in relation to sexuality; it is not just the lack of disease, dysfunction or disability. Good sexual health requires prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and use of contraception.Goal: The aim of this study is to determine the level of awareness of the risk factors for sexual health amongst adolescents.Materials and Methods: In the period between September and December 2015, students from two randomly chosen schools in the cities of Sliven and Tvarditsa were surveyed. They were 120 in total, aged between 13 and 19, 70 of them were girls and 50 were boys. Studied topics included the level of knowledge about sexually transmitted diseases and the ways to prevent them; the level of knowledge about the usage of means for protection; the age of initiation of a sexual life; the usability of information and education about sexual health that was provided at school.Results: It turns out that 64% of the surveyed students were informed about sexually transmitted diseases, however the information was insufficient and incorrect. The age of the first sexual intercourse was between 14 and 16 years, and it is in line with the data of national surveys. More than 50% of the students specified ways of preventing sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy.Conclusion: The early and timely education of students on the above-mentioned topics is a prerequisite for their good sexual health

    Survey of the level of awareness among adolescents of sexually transmitted diseases and ways to prevent them

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    In the last few years, there has been a decrease in the age when adolescents first start their sexual lives. What is more, there is insufficient awareness about sexually transmitted diseases and unwillingness to observe good sexual health amongst adolescents. Quite often the control of parents, school teachers and community is also insufficient and that causes potential dangers. Some of these issues are contracting sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancy and abortions. This provokes the search for adequate means for the formation of values in adolescents in regard to good sexual and reproductive health.AIM: Establishing the level of knowledge among adolescents about the ways of how sexually transmitted diseases are contracted and how to prevent them.MATERIALS AND METHODS: During the period between September and December 2015, an anonymous survey was conducted among 145 students between the ages of 15 and 19 from the cities of Sliven and Tvarditsa.RESULTS: In regard to the knowledge of the ways of transmission of sexually transmitted diseases, the highest awareness level was the one about AIDS - 93.8% and the one about syphilis - 71.7%. Knowledge regarding the transmission of HIV/AIDS was extremely high: 91% of the surveyed indicated that AIDS is transmitted through sexual contact without the use of a condom and 93% of the surveyed are adamant about the necessity of condoms. The surveyed students indicated that they gathered their information about sexually transmitted diseases mainly from the Internet-73.8%, followed by health education materials- 52%.CONCLUSIONS: The highest level of knowledge is about AIDS and syphilis. There is enough motivation for the use of condoms and it should be maintained over time. Information gathered through the Internet replaces sexual education as the main way of gaining knowledge in regard to sexually transmitted diseases

    Epilepsy as a secret in pregnant women: `Shall I report it or not?`

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    Introduction: Epilepsy is one of the most common chronic diseases of the brain and nervous system. It is characterized by recurrent seizures that occur with a variety of motor, sensory, autonomic, mental and behavioral disorders. Future mothers often hide their disease.Objective: This study aims to determine whether pregnant women, if they were suffering from epilepsy, would hide their illness.Material and methods: The study was conducted among 18 pregnant women at different gestational age from 1 to 10 lunar months and among midwives working in the maternity ward. Anonymous questionnaires were used.Results: None of the surveyed pregnant women would hide their illness if they had epilepsy. According to the midwives, nearly 20% of the pregnant patients with epilepsy report their disease.Conclusion: Some pregnant women suffering from epilepsy, hide their disease, which is a prerequisite for complications of a different nature

    Health risk for the mother and the baby in cases of antiepileptic drug withdrawal during pregnancy

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    Introduction: Epilepsy is a chronic disease of the nervous system characterized by recurrent unprovoked seizures. Pregnant women who suffer from epilepsy are at increased risk of complications. Epilepsy treatment during pregnancy has some specific features.Objective: To describe clinical cases and to investigate the withdrawal of antiepileptic therapy and the outcome of pregnancy.Description of clinical cases: Six pregnant women suffering from epilepsyDiscussion: The presented case studies show that despite the warnings and the knowledge of their disease, some women choose not to report it and/or to discontinue treatment during pregnancy. Further instructions regarding the related risks are likely to lead to a better prognosis

    Recent Trends In Diagnostic Decision Making In Clinical Practice

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    Clinicians’ practice is prone to complex diagnostic decision making, often in unsecure circumstances, uncertainty, time pressure and incomplete information. Processes of gathering information, drawing meaning, evaluation and coming to a diagnostic decision are influenced by multiple factors. Models of clinical decision making are based on cognitive models of human though and decision making. Knowledge about cognitive models of decision making and understanding possible flaws and biases is important for efficacy of experts’ proficiency in clinical environment. When making diagnostic decisions, one cannot entirely depend on intuitive decisions, as clinical environment is complex and dynamic. Past experience with similar cases is not always a reliable basis, as each case is unique. The importance of research in this direction is exceptionally big in terms of decisions made in clinical environment, where mistakes can cause great negative impact on patients’ health and well-being. We present general theoretical tendencies in the area of decision making – their strengths and weaknesses, also under which circumstances is one or the other method of decision making the better option to use. We also propose an instrument to evaluate psychopathological symptoms, which is intended to help clinicians’ practice in registering and structuring observed symptoms of patient and to direct and assist the decision-making process in clinical practice. Provided are basic psychometric characteristics, evaluating accuracy and eventual practical uses

    Pain as a threat—psychological and phenomenological aspects

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    Introduction: Pain is a multidimensional experience of injury or threat of future damage, with sensory, cognitive, motivational and emotional aspects. The essence of the pain experience depends on the meaning that the individual gives to pain in a particular situation.Aim: The aim of the article is to analyze and structure the concept of pain as a threat, covering its psychological and phenomenological aspectsMaterials and Methods: A review and critical analysis of relevant literature have been conducted.Results: It has been established that a predisposing factor for maintaining acute pain and turning it into a chronic one is the expectation (threat) of future harm. The emotional components of the threat of pain (fear and anxiety), as well as the cognitive ones (overvigilance and catastrophizing), have been studied. The assessments of the situation during pain and of the pain-coping resources are the main cognitive mediators that determine the outcome. The perception of pain as a threat provokes fear, anxiety, experiences of insecurity, helplessness, and maladaptive behaviors. Pain-avoiding behavior is in the basis of the stress-diathesis in the manifestation of chronic pain and it predicts future disability.Conclusion: Pain is a threat to the physical and the psychosocial functioning. The assessment of the emotional, cognitive and situational aspects related to pain should be a part of the multidisciplinary approaches to pain management. Manipulating these factors is key to reducing the risk of pain becoming chronic. The application of effective behavioral and cognitive techniques, aimed at increasing the resources for coping with and controlling pain enables patients to continue to function normally in spite of the pain

    The practical classes for the preparation of healthcare professionals

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    Introduction: The processes of globalization are becoming an important problem for the quality of training of healthcare professionals in universities. University teaching has an important social task: to train specialists capable of performing superior professional activity. Practical classes define the objectives of teaching and the formation of professional skills students would need for their career. Teaching activity is a major factor for the development of future health professionals.Purpose: The aim of the study is to reveal and outline the organizational pedagogical background and the effectiveness of practical classes for the development of healthcare professionals at university level. Tasks are to reveal the role of practical classes; to investigate their effectiveness and importance in the preparation of students; to assess the level of satisfaction.Material and methods: The study includes student nurses of Sliven Affiliate, Varna Medical University. The object of research is the process and conditions in which the practical classes held in the high school create the healthcare professional. The following methods were used: survey, programmed interview, observation and pedagogical experiment.Results and Discussion: The analysis of our results allowes to draw a conclusion about the role and place of practical classes in the preparation of healthcare professionals. They are the main forms of organization and management of the educational process (100%). They provide active and planned educational activity (98%), contribute to the formation of professional knowledge, skills and competences (97%), and of personal qualities necessary for the future professional activity (99%)

    Risk of future nurses occupationally contracting blood-borne infections, and standard safety measures

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    Introduction: Nurses are exposed to a high risk of acquiring blood-borne infections - HBV, HCV and HIV, during their occupational healthcare activities. Future nurses (nursing care students), and their active participation in providing care to patients during their clinical practice, run just as high risk of occupational exposure to blood-borne infections.Aim: The aim of this study is to examine and analyze how informed future nurses are of, both, the risk of contracting blood-borne infections, and compliance with the standard safety measures of the practical training facilities.Resources and methods: Research of literature and legal documentation. Individual anonymous survey with nursing care students, containing 16 questions. Processing and analysis of the gathered data.Results and considerations: There are significant discrepancies between students` behavior and knowledge, and their attitude towards their own safety. A large proportion have had needle-stick, or other medical sharp instruments, injuries during their practical training. Despite their high self-evaluation of the acquired prevention knowledge and skills, there seems to be no well-developed attitude and behavior towards using personal protective equipment. It is necessary to organize training seminars for safe injection practices and risk prevention of occupationally contracting blood-borne infections

    Obesity in children as a risk factor for developing diabetes mellitus

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    Introduction: Obesity in children is a serious health and social problem which has been growing for the past few years. More and more often, when making a diagnosis in children, obesity plays a key role. Overweight in children leads to chronic and socially signifiant diseases in their later age, such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, hepatic steatosis, etc. Overweight children /1/4/ show signs of glucose intolerance which is a risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes. This type of diabetes has been frequently observed in adults in the past but such cases are now increasing in children, too. If overweight children develop diabetes before the age of 20, there`s a risk for the rest of their life of having serious complications related to having diabetes. The growing obesity and less physical activity are among the reasons for the increase of type 2 diabetes in children.Aim: Investigating the effect of obesity in children as a risk factor causing diabetes and the importance of healthy eating, controlling overweight and lack of physical activity.Material and Methods: A Retrospective study and a survey study have been conducted in children with diabetes. Survey and statistical assessment methods have been applied.Results: Our analysis revealed some disturbing facts: overweight in boys (38%), overweight in girls (47%).Conclusion: Overweight in children as a risk factor for causing the socially significant disease diabetes is to lead to prophylaxis in children in school and family environment for the purpose of prevention
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